Make Big Talk

The Big Talk Question Card Game helps facilitate in-depth conversations with friends, family members, romantic partners, coworkers, classmates, teammates, community members, and strangers. Each question in the deck is universal (any human being could answer it), open-ended (elicits more than just a yes/no response), and meaningful (skips the small talk and draws forth a life story).

Custom card game decks for your business, school, or organization, and wholesale pricing are available upon request (Please fill out this survey to get started on your customized Big Talk deck or email

“Game-changing game. One of the most valuable things I’ve every bought.”

“Prompt great conversation and new insights. I use these with my team one-on-one meetings.”

“Used this in my classroom and my students loved it.”

“Perfect for a gift, new relationship, family vacations and more.”

“Simply amazing. I love these so much. Something so simple added so much meaning to our lives.”

“I used my Big Talk cards at Thanksgiving dinner as a game and we had more than food—we had nourishment for the soul.”

“PERFECT material for the community programs we run.”

Available at Amazon

Big Talk At Work

Team-Building for your Organization, Company, Community, or Non-profit!

Through facilitated programs, events, and workshops, people will move past small talk to engage in more purposeful and profound conversations.

Big Talk offers:

  1. Live Events and Workshops(1-2 hours) for in-person, virtual, and hybrid organizations.
  2. Customized Program Development in line with your organization’s values and resources.
  3. Big Talk Card Games (Wholesale Business Prices Available), App, & Custom Co-Branded Question Card Games (Great for employee/client gifting and networking events! For custom options, choose questions that align with your company’s values. Please fill out this survey to get started on your customized Big Talk deck.)

Make Authentic Connections a Part of Work Culture

If you are interested in bringing Big Talk to your organization or have an additional partnership request, please contact us. Thank you!

Big Talk reinvigorates communication and helps organizations build a greater sense of community belonging and culture – especially during the hybrid world re-order. ‘Our world has suffered fissures in human connection, yet relationships aren’t immune to repair. Big Talk helps us reconnect to our own humanity and see that humanity in others.

How Big Talk Works

Through Big Talk, people celebrate:

Past Big Talk Adopters

“Big Talk made it easy to have insightful, meaningful conversations with anyone.” – VP of Marketing at Adobe Women Event

“Big Talk has brought us all closer as people and as teammates.” – LA Lakers G Team Coach

“Big Talk was a great bonding experience for our hybrid end-of-year meeting! People left excited to continue Big Talk in the workplace and in their personal lives.” – Johnson & Johnson Manager

“I learned more about the people I made Big Talk with than any other team event.” – Partner at Deloitte Consulting

Additional Suggested Ways to Implement Big Talk

Get to know teammates better:

Make leadership more approachable:

Help employees get to know each other better and build connections:

Big Talk at Networking Events and Conferences

Help people move beyond the classic, repetitive networking small talk questions like “What do you do?” “Where are you from?” “What is your job title?” to make substantial and lasting connections. Host Big Talk networking sessions to enable attendees to establish common interests and highlight the traits, quirks, talents, or passions that a unique person brings to their role, thus resulting in more memorable interactions.

Big Talk For Your School

Bring Big Talk to your Campus and Help Foster Social Well-being, while Promoting Empathetic and Open Communication Across your Diverse Student Population!

While university/school can be an excellent opportunity for students to develop their social skills, an increasing number have reported feelings of depression, anxiety, disconnection, and isolation . To help combat loneliness, foster empathy amidst diversity, and promote social well-being, these universities have already introduced Big Talk programming to their campuses:

Bringing Big Talk into students’ lives can help them feel more empathetically connected, less anxious and depressed, happier, and confident in their schoolwork. Whether you’re faculty, staff, or a student, you can apply Big Talk to help bring your community together.


Host a Big Talk Workshop, Event, or Continuing Education Program . The founder and CEO, Kalina, delivers lectures and workshops all around the world to help others develop more meaningful connections.


Skip the small talk of “What’s your field of study?” and “Where are you from?” to make more meaningful longer-lasting relationships. Become a Big Talk ambassador. Sign up, receive a turnkey kit, and become a leader at your school to help classmates feel more connected to each other.


Using Big Talk Question Cards at the beginning of class is a great way to establish trust, understanding, and rapport. Big Talk has helped students feel more comfortable asking questions and sharing new ideas and perspectives.

Clubs and Sports

Conducting Big Talk Sessions with teammates or club members can help build more authentic relationships, which have been shown to nurture more supportive, comfortable, and social group settings.

Interested in Bringing Big Talk to Your School?

We create programming for keynote presentations, workshops, social events, and continuing education – as well as custom university-branded card decks.

“Big Talk helped a LOT to break down potential barriers and make us all feel a lot more comfortable. The breakout group strategy was helpful in that it gave each of us a lot of choice about what we wanted to share with the group and how vulnerable we wanted to be, which worked out beautifully as people really started to open up over the course of the discussion, providing a great foundation for subsequent reflective sessions in our first week.” – First-Year Student, Harvard Medical School

More Ways To Big Talk

There are many different ways to get involved with Big Talk

Big Talk with Yourself

Big Talk can serve as a powerful self-reflection activity. By answering questions such as, “Where do you find peace?” “What gives you hope?” “What makes you feel most alive?” You will feel more connected to your sense of identity and life purpose. Big Talk guided journal coming soon!